Friday, October 31, 2008

Science of Mind (SOM) / Religious Science - now United Centers for Spiritual Living STUDY GROUP in Costa Rica

Science of Mind (SOM) / Religious Science - now United Centers for Spiritual Living

Interested in "The Secret"? "What the Bleep?" &
other Spiritually-oriented movies/books?
How about authors such as Louise Hay ("You CAN Heal Your Life"), Terry Cole Whitaker,
Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch ("Conversations with God"),
Don Miguel Ruiz ("Four Agreements"),
Deepak Chopra & Eckhart Tolle ("Power of Now" & "A New Earth")
(they're all SOM Ministers or Practitioners or have been involved in SOM)

Do you ALREADY GET/understand that your thoughts & words create your life?
Interested in sharing your thoughts & experiences with people of like-mind?

Have you already been practicing
SCIENCE OF MIND (SOM) / Religious Science
(now known as United Centers for Spiritual Living!)?


Escazu, San Jose
"Mid-Week Pick Me Up•Connection Group & Potluck"
STUDY GROUP (application in process to become official)
WHEN: Tuesdays 10am-noon (SG) & Potluck from noon-1pm AND ALSO
3rd/THIRD Tuesday of the month 5-6pm-Potluck & 6-8pm-Study Group.

LOCATION: House of Self Empowerment / Fountains Guesthouse - Escazu (San Rafael)
ON Calle Vieja - 75 meters before Calle Country Club (email for detailed directions).
We're ON the blue Santa Ana-CALLE VIEJA bus route that runs between the Coca-Cola Building in Downtown San Jose & Piedades de Santa Ana)
COORDINATOR: Vicki Skinner
CONTACT: Within CR - 506-8-378-6679 / From the U.S. - 1-619-819-2726 (rings to us in CR) /
See further down for LOTS of details on this group

Vicki has started a group to encourange tourists & people like her that are BLESSED enough to live in Costa Rica to give back to the people & land of Costa Rica.
The House of Self Empowerment ( is a Donation Drop-Off Point for MANY charities throughout CR
Donations (of the material goods type mainly) are welcome!


Puerto Viejo de Talamanca /Playa Negra (south of Limon)
STUDY GROUP (official)
WHEN: *Wed-6pm - Study Group.
Sat.-6pm - Spiritually-Minded Movie Showing and Discussion
LOCATION: *Bread & Chocolate Restaurant EXCEPT the LAST Wed. of the month they do a Study Group & Potluck at Nanci & Barry's house in Playa Negra
DIRECTORS: Nanci Wright Stevens & Barry Stevens
CONTACT: 506-2-750-0524 /

Nanci & Barry do some WONDERFUL work in their community with the BriBri's!!
They're ALWAYS seeking volunteers so consider coming down & helping out there &/or bringing donations!!


PACIFIC COAST - Tambor (just East of Montezuma)
STUDY GROUP (official)
DIRECTOR: Maggie Hill RScP
CONTACT: Currently in the U.S. at 828-273-8985 / 506-2-642-0828-when in CR /


STUDY GROUP (waiting for official status)
DIRECTOR: "Cy"rina Rinkel RScP
CONTACT: 8-993-3129 /


"Central Valley Science of Mind Mid-Week Pick Me Up•Connection Group"

located in Escazu - just 7 minutes West of San Jose.

As of NOW, the intention of creating this group is to get together with others FAMILIAR with Ernest Holmes & SCIENCE OF MIND (SOM) / Religious Science (now known as United Centers for Spiritual Living!) OR that get most of the concepts - big time, that we're ALL CONNECTED, ONLY WE create our reality & as uncomfortable as it feels at times, it's ALL a GIFT to help us to heal old wounds & bring us back to our TRUE Higher Selves!!

It's a group where you are TRULY welcome to come/go as meets YOUR Spirits needs/your schedule!! No pressure - you arrive when you're there (we especially get to be flexible with this when it comes to all the road work that seems to be happening around Costa Rica these days!!)! Just quietly come in, sit down & pick up where we are - it's all "God Timing!" (or whatever YOU desire to call Spirit!!).

This is somewhat of a loose group (that will be a BIG GIFT for some of you - to just trust that it WILL ALL unfold "perfectly"!!)!

When we first start, everyone that would like to share can take 2 or so minutes to
"CHECK-IN"/say/release/share whatever is showing up in their life right now that is creating less than higher feelings & release what will help you get centered - &/or share EXCITING NEWS!!!

Next, someone will read that days entry from "Science of Mind 365".

Do you have a saying or poem that speaks to you today
? A song either for us to sing along or listen to (we even have a cassette player) that will help set the tone of feelin' GOOD?? Please bring & share!! OR, if someone would like to lead us in a 5-10 meditation - please let us know (bring music or come early to pick from what we have).

Since the majority of our group has had little exposure to SOM (though they all are familiar with Unity or Course In Miracles), AS OF NOW (TOTALLY subject to change) we are going to start reading the book from the beginning & discuss as we go along!

The ULTIMATE INTENTION is ALWAYS, wherever we go in our conversations, "stories", drama, etc. - BRING IT BACK TO WHAT ERNEST HOLMES - SOM says!!

Lastly, do you have some POSITIVE NEWS to share? Have something you're seeking? News of a new restaurant, a workshop you're doing or you heard about or share a few details on your business? Please bring fliers/info/cards & SHARE!!! We're ALL in this world TOGETHER & the sooner we COME TOGETHER & SUPPORT EACH OTHER - the sooner things will shift in the world!

We'll wrap it up by joining hands/Spirits, sing a song or share some positive thoughts/words/message!!

Please bring some food to share with 5-10 people (don't like to cook? Pick up a Salad-In-A-Bag - the one with salad dressing in it or a tasty dessert! Sometimes if we're a real small group & already doing lots of sharing/connecting during the group &/or have time constraints, we may do potluck DURING the group)

This is a VERY casual/informal, touchy-feely though SUPPORTIVE type of group!

This is an INclusive group in that whomever desires to participate/contribute gets to - no "Masters"/guru's here! Just speak YOUR Truth!!

NOTE: I find that we ALL OFTEN hold on to our story - repeating every detail over & over - re-investing energy in it/reviving it! Our intention is to be a group that desires SOLUTIONS & to MOVE ON from what we perceived happened & we welcome you to do that! SOM respects that ALL paths lead to God/Spirit & maybe it is all an illusion but we have chosen to incarnate into physical/body form which we get to work/grow WITH.

With that said, though there is much similarities between Course In Miracles, Unity & other groups, we ARE here this day learning about/studying Ernest Holmes SCIENCE OF MIND.
(note: we're not CIM & currently to my knowledge we don't have a group in the area but if someone desires to organize one, you're welcome to meet in our front/carport space)!


The House of Self Empowerment is home to - a Donation Drop-Off Point for numerous charities throughout Costa Rica. We welcome you to bring any & ALL items in decent/working condition that you'd like to donate/no longer need!! ESPECIALLY these days school supplies, shoes, medicine/vitamins (as long as it hasn't expired) & food staples!


Love Offering

(unless there's a special event/activity where we have expenses, ALL money donated will go towards acquiring various key tools/books to help us grow!!)

We all have different schedules & we'd like to keep it open to those who's Spirit calls for this connection. So to do that, we're going to try doing:


EXCEPT - Starting May 19 - the THIRD/3rd TUESDAY of each month
we will do an EVENING GROUP with a

DINNER POTLUCK: 5-6pm & STUDY GROUP: 6-8pm for our working family!

NOTE: WHENEVER you show up - you show up - it's all "God Timing" (I LOVE the saying "We plan - God laughs." Costa Rica will SOOOO help you work on releasing YOUR need to "control" timing & things)!! If we've started, please quietly come in & sit down & just have a seat & join in when your turn comes around.

(San Rafael - 7 minutes West of San Jose) - The House of Self Empowerment (aka Fountains Guesthouse) ON Calle Vieja - 75 mts East of Calle Country Club (EASY to get to on the Santa Ana-Calle Vieja bus that leaves San Jose from the Coca-Cola Building. Contact for more detailed directions)

Vicki. From within Costa Rica - 8-378-6679 / From the U.S. – 1-619-819-2726 /

Vicki has a few copies of the following books - "Living The Science of Mind" ($15-$20+) & "365 Science of Mind" ($12-$16+) for sale.
SPECIAL: "Living..." - $10-$15, "365" - $8-$11


The House of Self Empowerment has started a
Self Empowerment, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Healing LENDING LIBRARY
(nearly 1,000 books, cd's, dvd's, tapes+) that people are welcome to read/watch/borrow.
If there's an interest & time after the group, anyone that would like to stay around to watch things like
"The Secret," "What the Bleep" & other movies - you're welcome to!!
We gladly receive any materials (books, tapes++) you'd like to gift/donate!!


or **Practitioners interested in joining us to share parts of the SOM book (whatever chapter we're on) along with a message/topic & then the GROUP TOGETHER will do a discussion on your talk to help us understand SOM better & see how it can/does show up in our lives! (this is going to be a VERY interactive group!!).

Also, you get to STAY the night before OR that night for FREE at
the Fountains Guesthouse ( Super Discounted rates for other nights)!!!

Are you interested in giving a workshop/seminar, potentially seeing clients &/or doing/bringing your own RETREAT to Costa Rica? Let's chat!
SOMETIMES our leaders have the opportunity to give a workshop at the local Unity church (MANY of our SOM members attend Unity for community [& the great minister!])



THANX to visiting SOM Minister (retired) Clay Johnson & his wife Geri for leading our group 3 times (so far) as well as gifting the group with the funds needed to apply for "official status"!!!

THANX to SOM/RSI Ministers Raymond & Belinda Pilon (formerly of the Vancouver, BC area & now Cahuita) for sharing a message with us at our FIRST Meeting on U.S. Presidential Obama's Inauguration Day (Jan. 20, 2009)! We had 10 people out our first gathering plus 14 of us hung around to watch Obama's Inauguration together including 4 people from Canada, 1 from England & one Costa Rican!! (you'd think it was their president also the way EVERYONE was SOOOO EXCITED!!! But they just get Obama's message of Yes WE Can!!)

May 19
- "FAERIE" ELAINE SILVER - a SOM Practitioner from Sarasota, Florida shared with us about SOM "Treatments"
RS/SOM teaches that people can achieve more fulfilling lives through the practice called Spiritual Mind Treatment (Treatment), or Affirmative Prayer. Spiritual Mind Treatment is a step-by-step process, in which one states the desired outcome as if it has already happened. In that way, it differs from traditional prayer, since it does not ask an entity separate from itself to act. It declares human partnership with Infinite Intelligence to achieve success. Treatment is to be stated as personal (first person), positive, powerful (with feeling), and present (is happening right now). The goal is to gain clarity in thinking that guides action to be consistent with the desired outcome. The Treatment is believed to set off a new chain of causation in Mind that leads one to act according to the good for which one is treating. Spiritual Mind Treatment, as currently taught in RS/SOM centers, contains five steps: Recognition, Unification, Realization, Thanksgiving, and Release. Some adherents of RS/SOM also use supplemental meditation techniques, including "Visioning". From
She also shared with us her MAGICAL SINGING VOICE!!! (


Do you know of any others or other people that would be interested?
Please pass our info on & share their info /
8-378-6679 (within Costa Rica) / 1-619-819-2726 (if calling from the U.S.)



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